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Green Bay Senator Wants To Hear From People Who Can't Afford Insulin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Thursday, 31 October 2019 14:51

insulin-s5The inability of people to afford the high cost of insulin is a growing crisis in Wisconsin and around the country. Dave Hansen wants people struggling to afford their insulin to go to web site and share their story.

MADISON - State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) announced Wednesday that he has added a link to his official web page for people who are having trouble affording their insulin to share their stories and experiences.

dave-hansen“The unaffordability of insulin is causing great harm and even death to those who don’t have the resources to pay for a drug that they need in order to live. Yet, many of my colleagues in the Legislature don’t seem to realize or understand that this a genuine crisis,” said Hansen. “So I’ve added a link to my official web page where people can go to share their stories or those of family members.”

Hansen recently introduced legislation with Democratic Representative Jimmy Anderson that would cap the cost of insulin similar to a new law in Colorado. The bill is supported by the American Diabetes Association.

The inability of people to afford the high cost of insulin is a growing crisis in Wisconsin and around the country. What was once an affordable treatment for people with diabetes has skyrocketed in price from a cost of $33 per vial in 1996 to over $320 today. The cost is also extremely high compared to other countries like Canada where the cost is $30 per vial.

“Like we saw with the prescription drug crisis that led to SeniorCare, people are being forced to make difficult and dangerous decisions due to the high cost of insulin resulting from greedy drug companies and insurance companies that are unwilling or unable to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses on this live-saving drug.”

Recent examples of deaths related to the high cost of insulin include:

Jada Renee Louis, age 24, of Virginia, a type 1 diabetic since age 7, who died after being unable to afford the $300 cost of her insulin. Her job did not pay enough for her to both afford insulin and pay her rent.

Closer to home, Micah Fischer, age 26, Wisconsin aged off his father’s insurance plan in June of 2018. His new insurance did not cover his insulin and he couldn’t afford the $1,200 cost. Micah Fischer died one month before his new employer-based insurance plan kicked in.

“I hope that anyone who is struggling to afford their insulin will go to and share their story. Hopefully, together we can raise awareness of this crisis in time to get something done to help lower insulin costs before the end of the Legislature’s session next spring.”

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