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Democrats Take Action to Improve Public Safety PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Friday, 16 August 2019 09:00

sandy-hook-motherIn Wake of Mass Shootings Democrats Push for Background Checks

MADISON – After another uptick in deadly mass shooting deaths, Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) and Representative Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) are introducing legislation that would close the gun show loophole that enables individuals with criminal convictions to purchase a firearm.

jennifer-shillingAs Republican politicians refuse to even discuss solutions to the threat of gun violence, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling released the following statement:

“Wisconsin families should have the opportunity to feel safe in community spaces like schools, parks, places of worship, workplaces, and grocery stores free from the threat of deadly weapons and dangerous individuals. Too many men, women and children have already died as a result of gun violence. Failing to address the growing threat of gun violence and mass shootings will only lead to more tragedies. Like the vast majority of Wisconsin residents, I support universal background checks and find it appalling that Republican politicians are refusing to take even the most basic steps to prevent gun violence.”

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