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Conservation Voters urge support of E-Cycle Wisconsin Law PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Monday, 12 August 2019 09:09

tv-oldAB 297 updates Wisconsin’s Electronic Waste Recycling law of 2009, to modify technology definitions, expand the program to eligible schools, and reduce fees.

MADISON - Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to support AB 297, which is before the Assembly Committee on Environment on Thursday.

Every year, thousands of tons of old televisions and video screens from computers are thrown into Wisconsin’s landfills. This electronic waste can leak toxic substances like mercury, cadmium, and chromium that can cause developmental problems in children or lead to cancer. AB 297 updates Wisconsin’s Electronic Waste Recycling law that was passed in 2009, to modify technology definitions, expand the program to eligible schools, and reduce fees. AB 297 will continue to keep toxic electronics out of our landfills by requiring that producers of electronic waste collect and properly dispose of video display devices once they are no longer wanted by consumers.

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