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Amanda Stuck to Challenge Gallagher for House Seat PDF Print E-mail
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Monday, 15 July 2019 07:46

amstuck-and-others-3Cites incumbent Congressman’s vote to take away protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

APPLETON, WI - State Rep. Amanda Stuck announced Sunday that she is running for Congress in Wisconsin’s 8th District.

Stuck, a mother of four who has served in the Assembly since 2015, drew an immediate contrast with incumbent Congressman Mike Gallagher over health care.

amanda-stuck“I’m running because Washington isn’t working for Wisconsin families,” said Stuck. “For example, our Congressman voted to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and has done nothing to lower the cost of prescription drugs while pocketing tens of thousands of dollars from big pharmaceutical and insurance companies.”

Amanda has been a strong advocate for northeast Wisconsin in the Assembly, working to protect jobs in Wisconsin’s paper industry and leading the charge against sweetheart deals for Foxconn.

“My experience comes not just from advocating for my community in the State Assembly, but from raising a family and working multiple jobs to make ends meet,” said Stuck. “Like many of our neighbors, my husband and I know the challenges families face from rising health care costs, high prescription drug costs, and an uncertain job market in our part of Wisconsin.”

Amanda and her husband, David, a union sheet metal journeyman, are raising four children together in Appleton.

Last Updated on Monday, 15 July 2019 09:17
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