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JFC Republicans Reject $1.6 Billion Investment in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Saturday, 11 May 2019 07:25

jfcphotoVote to remove Governor’s Medicaid expansion proposal from the budget could cost every Wisconsinite besides leaving 82,000 without healthcare.

MADISON, WI - During the Joint Committee on Finance executive session on Thursday, Republicans voted against Democrats’ motion to stop the removal of the Medicaid expansion proposal from budget deliberations which would have attracted $1.6 billion in federal dollars to the state. Their choice to block the expansion does not only hinder Wisconsin’s ability to give health care coverage to 82,000 additional individuals, but it hurts every single person, provider, and community in the state.

By accepting the expansion, Wisconsin would be able to generate $324.5 million in savings to be invested back in the state, would attract more primary care doctors and providers to address shortages in rural areas, and would foster economic growth and financial stability for local economies. However, Republicans have once again decided to put politics before their communities.

Democrats on the Joint Committee on Finance released the following statements:

jon-erpenbach“Rejecting the Medicaid expansion is financially irresponsible,” said Senator Erpenbach (D-West Point). “By taking the federal dollars, every single person in the state would see their insurance costs drop, and our state would generate millions to invest in critical programs that would benefit all Wisconsinites. All Republicans have to offer is the same, old, tired story. It’s time that we put politics aside and listen to the will of the people by accepting the expansion.”

“Today, Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee turned their backs on not only 82,000 low-income Wisconsinites, but on every Wisconsin community,” said Representative Taylor (D-Madison). “Governor Evers invested our state savings from expanding Medicaid into programs to address key health issues across our state, such as access to mental and dental health care, treatment for those suffering with addiction, and increasing caregiver wages. Instead, Republicans chose to turn ‘The People’s Budget’ into ‘The Politician’s Budget.’”

“During the campaign, Republicans promised to make health care more accessible and affordable. Today they broke their promise,” said Representative Goyke (D-Milwaukee). “By standing with their party before the people, the Republicans have turned away historic investments in health care that will benefit all Wisconsinites. I am proud to stand with Governor Evers and the overwhelming and growing majority of Wisconsinites that support the increased investments in health care made possible through the expansion of Medicaid.”

“Medicaid expansion is not only an opportunity to provide people with quality, affordable health care but one that allows us to save money and re-invest in Wisconsin,” said Senator Johnson (D-Milwaukee). “70% of Wisconsinites understand that, but unfortunately JFC Republicans ignored them today.”

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