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Local Legislators Reintroduce Papermaker Fund Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Thursday, 04 April 2019 14:05

kc-neenahProactive plans sponsored by Stuck and Hansen to Help Keep Mills Open in the Paper Valley

MADISON, WI – Rep. Amanda Stuck and Sen. Dave Hansen announced plans Wednesday to reintroduce the Papermaker Fund Bill which aims to help stabilize the paper industry in Wisconsin. Providing a hand up, not a hand out to companies, to help them modernize their facilities, improve energy efficiency, and transition to producing in-demand paper products.

dave-hansen“Paper industry jobs are some of the best in blue collar jobs in Wisconsin. For generations, they have played a key role in creating and sustaining a strong middle class in our state,” said Sen. Dave Hansen. “The previous administration prioritized handouts without guarantees for jobs into the future, this bill helps companies invest back into their mills to make them more modern and efficient so they will continue to be a bedrock industry in our communities for years to come.”

amanda-stuck“In the last few years we have seen numerous mill closures and bankruptcies, effecting both large and small mills, impacting thousands of workers in the Fox Valley,” stated Rep. Amanda Stuck. “It is past time that the State of Wisconsin takes action to help stabilize the paper industry, not just to provide tax cuts to benefit shareholders, but to help this home-grown industry modernize their plants and meet the growing demands of different paper products,” said Rep. Stuck. “This bill will invest in companies to transition to in-demand products, help companies invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy, and will invest in the researchers and educators in our state who are working on the next breakthrough and training the next generation of paper researchers. These proposals will help paper stay in the Paper Valley for many years to come.”

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