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Non-Partisan Redistricting Plan in Evers' Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 01 March 2019 00:00

voterGreen Bay's Senator thinks Gov. Evers plan to follow the independent Iowa process and have a nonpartisan agency draw the state’s political maps would bring real change.

MADISON - On Tuesday, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers announced his proposal to do away with the state’s current partisan redistricting process and give the responsibility of drawing the state’s political maps to a nonpartisan agency. His new plan would be included in the 2019 state budget request.

According to The Wisconsin State Journal, the governor’s plan mirrors the independent process in Iowa and would take effect before the state’s redistricting process gets fully underway after the 2020 Census is complete.

On Wednesday, State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) issued the following statement on the Governor and his redistricting plan.

dave-hansen“There are few issues that are so critical to the functioning of and citizen support for state government than eliminating gerrymandering from our redistricting process. That is why I have spent so much time fighting to pass non-partisan redistricting legislation.

“Non-partisan redistricting enjoys immense public support across all party lines.

“Yet, Republicans have refused to even give legislation to create a truly non-partisan redistricting process a public hearing. They refused because they know that their power in the Legislature only exists because they were allowed to rig the district lines in a way that would guarantee their majority status regardless of the wishes of the voters.

“That is why Governor Evers’ decision to put non-partisan redistricting in the budget is so important and such welcome news. Governor Evers’ decision represents the first step toward restoring competitiveness and fairness to our elections and returning state government to one that truly represents the people.

“Governor Evers’ announcement today is keeping in that spirit and his promise to bring real change to our state.”


Senate writer Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 March 2019 16:37
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