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Better Birth Outcomes Create A Healthier Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Friday, 22 February 2019 13:35

women-health-servicesGovernor's plan puts resources in programs with proven track records of success, while saving taxpayers millions of dollars each year says Democratic leader Hintz.

MADISON – Governor Evers unveiled a plan Thursday aimed at better birth outcomes and women’s health initiatives. The plan includes $28 million in funding for women's health care and infant mortality reduction. Evers made the announcement with state legislators and advocates at a press event in Milwaukee.

Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on the Governor’s plan:

gordon_hintz“One of the most important things we can do as a state government is to foster healthy beginnings for our children. The innovative programs the Governor is proposing will ensure quality health care for women and create better birth outcomes,” Rep. Hintz stated. “This plan puts resources in programs with proven track records of success. Planned Parenthood has been a vital partner in the Fox Valley community, providing access to preventive health care services and treatment, all while saving taxpayers millions of dollars each year. In addition, the Well Woman Program has succeeded in its mission to provide preventive health screening services to women with little or no health insurance coverage. It is encouraging to see a proposed increase in funding for these vital programs.”

The “Healthy Women, Healthy Babies” initiative will:

  • Increase funding for home visiting program.
  • Create an Infant Mortality Prevention Program in DHS.
  • Include grant funding for Doula training and Medicaid coverage for doula services.
  • Increase post-partum coverage for women up to a year (currently 60 days).
  • Increase funding for maternal and child services through the minority health grant.
  • Increase funding to the Maternal Child Health Grant and Family Planning to increase access to family planning services.
  • Increase funding for the Well Women Program.

“Every family in Wisconsin should have access to health care services that will lead to a healthy pregnancy, healthy birth, and a healthy child. Unfortunately, some families face an uphill battle to receive equal health care access. No matter your race or socioeconomic access, Wisconsin women deserve access to the needed health care programs to ensure the best outcomes before birth, at birth, and beyond,” Rep. Hintz concluded.

While the most recent data shows the statewide infant mortality rate is at 6.2 infant deaths per 1,000, among African Americans the rate is 14.2 per 1,000. Governor Evers’ plan will address this disparity.

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