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Taylor Supports Increased Funding for Local Health Centers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Friday, 22 February 2019 10:02

healthHealth Centers meet the unique challenges residents face in the area, funding commitment must be a priority in state budget.

MADISON – Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement Thursday ahead of Governor Tony Evers press announcement about healthcare initiatives in his upcoming budget at a press conference at Milwaukee Health Services in Milwaukee.

lena-taylor"These health centers are the pulse of this community’s health and wellness. For far too long, they have been underfunded and undervalued. While rising to the challenge to meet the unique issues that face residents in the area, they have done so on a shoestring budget. The lines are wrapped around the buildings in the early hours of the morning to access services, many of which must be offered on a limited and first-come, first-serve basis.

For 16-years, I have been saying this is unacceptable. We must be deliberate in our funding commitment and it must be a priority in the state’s budget. Initiatives are welcome and so is adequate funding for Milwaukee Health Services’ existing work.“

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