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Bowen Disappointed in Republicans’ Press Conference in his District PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Bryce Dille   
Friday, 22 February 2019 09:14

mc-courthouseLegislative Republicans choose to exclude Democrats from Milwaukee press conference on homelessness, fail to invite Black Caucus whose communities are deeply affected.

MILWAUKEE - Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement in response to Democrats being excluded from Republicans’ Milwaukee press conference on homelessness:

david-bowen“I am terribly disappointed in my Republican colleagues’ decision to hold their Milwaukee press conference on homelessness without speaking to or even inviting members of the Milwaukee Delegation or Black Caucus whose communities are deeply affected by this issue. Once again, Republicans have chosen to act unilaterally on a critical issue that should not be partisan rather than work with Democrats to truly solve the problems affecting the citizens of Wisconsin and Milwaukee. Homelessness is not a Republican or Democratic issue–it is a Wisconsin issue that needs to be effectively addressed by stakeholders on both sides of the aisle.”

This morning, members of the Republican caucus are holding a press conference to roll out a bill package focused on homelessness at the Milwaukee-based non-profit “Pathfinders”, an organization dedicated to combating homelessness and providing services to youth in need. In addition, Rep. Bowen has a history of collaborating on youth issues much prior to being elected to the Legislature.

“Personally, I find it quite troubling that Republicans have chosen to hold this press conference in the 10th Assembly District, a district I have represented since 2015, without seeking participation or input from myself, Senator Taylor, or the other Democratic lawmakers who represent not just this district, but the city of Milwaukee at large,” Rep. Bowen continued.

“Last week, Republicans decided to speak for Wisconsin’s Black community while disregarding the input of Wisconsin’s Black legislators. This week, Republicans have decided to speak on an issue that deeply affects Milwaukee without even consulting legislators from Milwaukee. What’s next?”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 February 2019 13:09
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