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Evers Reaffirms Commitment to Cutting Taxes for Middle-Class Families PDF Print E-mail
Written by Evers Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 17 January 2019 13:47

tony-evers-democratic-govGovernor's plan would provide relief for 86 percent of taxpayers without adding to the deficit or relying on one-time funds.

MADISON - Today, Governor Tony Evers reaffirmed his commitment to cutting taxes for middle-class families without adding to Wisconsin's budget deficit. Spokeswoman for Gov. Evers, Melissa Baldauff, released the following statement:

taxes"Governor Evers campaigned on creating a fairer tax code for working Wisconsin families and that is a promise he will keep in his budget. It's great to hear that Republicans agree with another one of the governor's good ideas to support middle-class families, however, their proposal falls short of what Gov. Evers has proposed.

The governor's sustainable plan to cut taxes for middle-class families—which is funded by rolling back tax giveaways for millionaires—would provide relief for 86 percent of taxpayers without adding to the deficit or relying on one-time funds.

In contrast, Speaker Vos' spending plan continues to grow. Between this unfunded proposal, their refusal to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid, and growing legal fees for outside counsel to defend their lame-duck laws, Republicans are willing to leave taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is our hope that legislators who believe in protecting the taxpayers and our state's bottom line will support the governor's sustainable tax plan."

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 March 2019 13:27
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