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Former Edgewood College President Dr. Mary Ellen Gevelinger Mourned PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Friday, 15 March 2024 14:34

mary-ellen-gevelingerProgressive visionary who loved to lead and accepted the opportunities and challenges that went with those responsibilities passed away on Wednesday.

MADISON, WI – After learning of the passing of former Edgewood College President Dr. Mary Ellen Gevelinger, Representative Shelia Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement: 

shelia-stubbs“I was saddened to hear that Dr. Mary Ellen Gevelinger, O.P. passed away on Wednesday. Dr. Gevelinger presided over Edgewood College as interim President for a year starting September 1, 2019.

During her time as President, a time which encompassed the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and many other changes in the world, Dr. Gevelinger was renowned by her colleagues and community as a person who dedicated her life to service, to her faith, and to bestowing her wisdom and knowledge on future generations of students. Her previous roles as a schoolteacher, Director of Personnel and Planning for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ Catholic schools, and Director of Doctoral Research in the School of Education at Edgewood College exemplified her personal commitment to these values.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who knew and loved Dr. Gevelinger, especially her family, friends, colleagues, and all the students and staff who were fortunate enough to experience her company and guidance in their time at Edgewood College. May we honor her memory by continually striving to love and serve one another.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 March 2024 14:50
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