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Agard Introduces Reinstatement of Healthy Youth Act PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 25 January 2024 17:32

student-on-sidewalkMADISON – Today, Senator Melissa Agard was joined by community advocates to announce the introduction of the Healthy Youth Act, which would require science-based, medically accurate, human growth and development instruction to be taught in Wisconsin’s public schools. State Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“As the mother of four sons, I want to ensure that all kids have all the information they need as they get older. The Healthy Youth Act is common sense legislation that requires students receive medically accurate, age-appropriate, comprehensive sex education to answer questions about sex and relationships without being shamed or judged.

melissa-agard“Sex education is imperative so that our youth understand their bodies and how to stay healthy and protected in sexual and reproductive health. This vital information in turn reduces risks of violence, exploitation and abuse for our youth. In addition, it gives our kids the tools needed to have healthy relationships, and make healthy decisions. Knowledge is power and is also a matter of public health and safety.

“Sex education gives young people the knowledge and skills they need for a lifetime of good health. An overwhelming majority of Americans want young people to have sex education - including parents and young folks themselves.

“We all want the best education for our kids, including sex education. This will help young people learn how to have healthy relationships, make informed decisions, think critically about the world, and to be a good ally to others.”

Representative Sue Conley (D-Janesville) added, “It is important that youth receive age-appropriate, science-based knowledge from a trusted source rather than receiving and relying on misinformation shared by their peers or others – whether innocently or nefariously. I am proud to introduce the Healthy Youth Act with Senator Agard.”

Anne Brosowsky-Roth, Training and Resource Specialist for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin stated, "Creating state standards for sexual education that are medically accurate, comprehensive, age appropriate, and trauma informed will help keep our communities and our kids safe, healthy, and strong.

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