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Democrats Introduce Prevent and Protect Legislation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 30 October 2023 16:10

domesticviolenceMADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) joins her Legislative Democratic colleagues today in introducing several pieces of legislation that work to prevent abuse and protect survivors. Senator Agard released the following statement:

melissa-agard“The Prevent and Protect Package honors the rights of survivors, empowers our young people, and works to hold dangerous individuals accountable. We must make it abundantly clear that the State of Wisconsin recognizes, believes, and supports survivors of sexual assault.

“Earlier this month, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin’s 2022 Homicide Report revealed chilling numbers in our state. Last year ninety-six individuals died due to domestic violence in Wisconsin, which is a 20% increase from 2021. Just one death is too many—we can do more to prevent these deaths and make a safer Wisconsin for all.

“From teaching young people about dating violence and healthy relationships to increasing funding for sexual assault nurse examiners and creating penalties for ‘stealthing’ or sending unsolicited lewd images, we can take tangible steps to improve the safety of our communities and health outcomes.”

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