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Democrats Take Steps to Protect Wisconsinites with Tenant Protection Package PDF Print E-mail
Written by Francesca Yunjung Hong Press   
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 11:42

eviction-noticeMadison - Today, Wisconsin lawmakers held a press conference to introduce a groundbreaking Tenant Protection Package aimed at safeguarding the rights and well-being of tenants across the state. This legislative initiative, led by dedicated legislators from the Democratic caucus, addresses a wide range of issues, from discrimination based on immigration status to prohibitions on no-cause evictions. The package comprises 22 bills that collectively aim to make housing more equitable and secure for all Wisconsinites.

The legislative authors of the Tenant Protection Package released the following statement:

chris-larson“We face a housing crisis across our state, made no simpler by the barriers faced by those facing eviction, high rental costs, and scarcity of available housing. It is no secret that renters can often feel powerless and are unsure what resources they have. This package will create additional tools for tenants that will help them find and maintain housing to help ease the burden faced by many Wisconsinites.

francesca-hong-madisonAs legislators, we are committed to making Wisconsin a better place to live, one where housing is a fundamental right for everyone. And so we are proud to introduce this package today as a comprehensive effort to protect the rights of tenants, address some of the housing challenges our communities face, and ensure secure and equitable housing for all Wisconsinites.”

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