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Senate Republicans Reject Child Care Counts Funding, other Workforce Initiatives PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 16 October 2023 13:05

childcareMADISON – Today, Republicans on the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Technical Colleges adopted a substitute amendment to Governor Evers' Special Session Bill 1, the Governor’s workforce initiatives package. Senate Democratic Leader Agard released the following statement:

melissa-agard“Today, Senate Republicans adopted a substitute amendment to the Governor’s special session bill that guts the Child Care Counts program, a lifeline for child care providers and working parents. Unfortunately, without continued support for this vital program, there will be catastrophic ramifications to the child care industry and working parents will be forced to choose between their careers and caring for their kids.

“After hours of testimony supporting the Governor’s proposal from providers and families throughout Wisconsin, Republicans serving on the Senate Economic Development Committee lacked the courage to even hold an in-person debate and vote on the legislation, instead taking action via paper ballot. Republicans are not serious about governing in the best interests of our state and it is abundantly clear that they have turned their backs on hardworking Wisconsinites.”

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