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Agard Introduces Menstrual Products Legislation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 16 October 2023 15:56

women-health-servicesMADISON – Today, Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) introduced legislation to provide state, local, and school buildings with free menstrual products. Senator Agard released the following statement:

melissa-agard“Menstruation is a natural process that has been stigmatized, hidden, and treated with shame and derision. Menstrual products are necessities, not luxuries, and should be easily accessible to any person who needs it. Nobody should have to miss out on school, work, or important life events, risk their health, or compromise their dignity because they menstruate.

“Menstrual products are not optional; they are necessities. The ability to manage this normal bodily function is essential, not an entitlement or privilege, and is oftentimes an urgent, unexpected need. Menstrual products are not a luxury good, nor a government handout — when those who do not menstruate walk into a public restroom they have everything they need to take care of ordinary bodily functions, while those who do menstruate do not.

“This legislation is an important step forward in undoing the unjust and undue burdens of inaccessibility to essential products that far too many people face. Menstruation should not be a factor that holds anyone back, period.”

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