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Divided GOP enters 2023 attacking itself PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Thursday, 29 December 2022 14:59

donald-trump-rally-milwTrump vice grip on the Republican Party is weakening.

WASHINGTON - The Republican Party, which entered 2022 with ambitions of recapturing both chambers of Congress and using discontent with President Biden to mount a strong case for retaking the White House in 2024, is entering 2023 in a state of uncertainty across the board.

Former President Trump, who for the last six years has had a vice grip on the GOP, is politically weakened and legally vulnerable. Trump is the only declared candidate in the 2024 field, but the landscape for the presidential nomination remains unsettled with several others eyeing a bid.

Read the full story here.

Last Updated on Friday, 30 December 2022 12:13
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