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Wisconsin's Economy Is Booming Under Gov. Evers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Evers Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 07:39

businessesGovernor has sent grants to small businesses and family farms, expanded internet access, kept unemployment low, and signed a tax cut.

MADISON, Wis. — Under Governor Tony Evers’ common sense leadership, Wisconsin’s economy is booming with the lowest unemployment rate in state history, one of the highest labor force participation rates in the nation, a projected record-breaking budget surplus, thousands of new and expanded small businesses, and a 15% tax cut for families.

Here’s just a few reasons why Wisconsin’s economy is booming:

  • tony-eversGov. Evers has directed nearly a billion dollars in grants and economic support to thousands of small businesses and over 15,000 family farms across the state — an investment that has grown the economy while helping thousands of Wisconsin businesses expand and fill jobs. In particular, Gov. Evers’ Main Street Bounceback Grant program has helped more than 2,400 small businesses open in previously vacant space and bolster main streets in every corner of the state, while creating new jobs and opportunities for economic growth.

  • Gov. Evers has led Wisconsin through the largest internet expansion in state history, and during his first term, more than 9,000 businesses and 150,000 homes have received new or improved high-speed internet access. That means businesses will be able to reach more customers and do business more efficiently.

  • Gov. Evers is tackling long-standing challenges by filling jobs and creating opportunities for Wisconsin workers. Gov. Evers’ job filling programs, which he has invested more than $130 million in, have created long-term skills training, apprenticeships, and career opportunities for workers in every corner of the state — and our record low unemployment rate shows these are paying off.

  • Last year, Gov. Evers signed nearly a half billion dollars in tax cuts for Wisconsin small businesses — which has helped power our state’s unprecedented economic growth.

For small business owners, Gov. Evers’ commitment to Main Streets is helping build a stronger Wisconsin. In Washburn, local business owners wrote that, “Our economy is only strong when our main streets are thriving. That’s why Wisconsin is in a better position than we were in 2018, thanks to Evers’ investments in small businesses.”

In La Crosse, Terry Bauer, the executive director of La Crosse’s Downtown Mainstreet, said, “The catalyst for this downtown explosion of new entrepreneurship is the Governor’s bounce back program.”

“Under Governor Evers’ leadership, Wisconsin’s economy is booming,” said Tony for Wisconsin Communications Director Sam Roecker. “Between a record low unemployment rate, thousands of new small businesses, and a 15% middle-class tax cut, Wisconsinites can count on Governor Evers to continue delivering for families and businesses.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 February 2022 18:09
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