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New Bill Promotes Wisconsin’s Agricultural and Agribusiness Products PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 03 December 2021 14:47

farmer-wicornLegislation signed Friday is modeled after governor’s 2020 special session plan to increase value of several Wisconsin agricultural products 25 percent by mid-2026.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today signed Assembly Bill 314, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 92, relating to promoting the export of Wisconsin’s agricultural and agribusiness products. Under Wisconsin Act 92, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection’s Center for International Agribusiness Marketing will work with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation on a plan to increase the value of Wisconsin’s milk and dairy, meat, crop, and other product exports by 25 percent by June 30, 2026.

The bill is modeled after legislation originally proposed by Gov. Evers during his 2020 State of the State address, during which the governor announced a package of legislation and a special session of the Legislature as part of a three-pronged plan to support and invest in Wisconsin’s farmers and rural communities.

tony-evers“Wisconsin’s robust agricultural and agribusiness exports are not only a cornerstone of our state’s economy but our Wisconsin way of life,” said Gov. Evers. “We started this work to promote and increase Wisconsin’s product exports even before the pandemic to help support our farmers and our rural communities, and I’m proud this legislation has finally made it to my desk.

“As we continue working to bounce back and recover from this pandemic, it’s never been more important to support and promote our state’s agricultural products and exports so we can ensure the success of our agricultural industry, and our farmers, producers, and their families who’ve been the backbone of our state for generations.”

The Legislature ultimately failed to pass Gov. Evers’ initial special session proposal and send it to the governor’s desk for his signature. Nevertheless, Gov. Evers again proposed a similar measure in his Badger Bounceback Agenda, his 2021-23 biennial budget proposal, to support Wisconsin’s agricultural industry and help ensure the industry’s successful statewide economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The provision was ultimately removed from the governor’s budget by Republicans in the Legislature who went on to introduce Assembly Bill 314 as stand-alone legislation.

Assembly Bill 314, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 92:

  • Requires the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection to work collaboratively with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to increase the export of agricultural and agribusiness products over the next five years.
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