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Waukesha Tragedy Identifies Ties between Domestic Abuse and Acts of Mass Violence PDF Print E-mail
Written by End Domestic Abuse WI, Elise Buchbinder   
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 15:44

waukesha-parade-tragedyLeading voice for victims of domestic abuse in Wisconsin says violence at home may often spill over to larger community.

Madison – Following the violence in Waukesha over the weekend, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin (End Abuse) has expressed grief for those impacted by this tragic event, and calls attention to the connection between domestic abuse and acts of mass violence.

“We are mourning for the lives lost and for the loved ones who will be forever impacted by this tragedy,” said End Abuse Executive Director Monique Minkens. “This has been a particularly impactful and heavy week for our state, and our attention is with all who are in shock, mourning, and grief – especially victims and survivors of domestic violence who are finding this time to be particularly challenging as details have emerged about the suspect having a history of domestic abuse.”

domestic-violenceThe connection between those who use violence against current and former partners and those who commit acts of mass violence, such as what took place in Waukesha, is well-documented in recent years. In fact, most mass shootings are perpetrated by men with a history of domestic violence. According to a 2020 analysis by Bloomburg News, 60% of 749 mass shootings over a six year period were either domestic violence attacks or committed by men with histories of domestic violence.

“We see time and time again,” said Minkens, “that people who use violence against their current or former partners are more likely to go on to commit acts of violence on a larger scale. This reality too often goes unaddressed by media coverage of mass acts of violence, and demonstrates what our coalition and domestic violence advocates across the state and nation have insisted for years: that intimate partner violence is a community issue, not a private matter. It truly affects all of us.”

For anyone experiencing emotional distress following this week’s events, the 24/7 Disaster Distress Helpline is available by call or text at 800-985-5990. For anyone experiencing domestic abuse, visit the End Abuse Get Help map at to find local Wisconsin domestic violence programs that can help with safety planning and connection to vital resources.


End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (End Abuse, is the leading voice for victims of domestic abuse in Wisconsin. At End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, we educate shelter and program volunteers and advocates, law enforcement, legislators, and community members to provide safety and support to survivors. We strive to shift Wisconsin from the attitudes and beliefs that cause domestic violence to values of mutual respect and equity, and we partner with communities in the effort to prevent and end domestic abuse. We encourage reporters to include the National Domestic Violence Hotline number [1−800−799−SAFE(7233)] in their stories for victims who need help. A list of local Wisconsin domestic violence victim service providers can be found at

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