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Evers Responds to Speaker Vos Statement on 2020 Election PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 29 October 2021 09:10

assembly-wi-robin-vosRepublican Speaker's attempts to publicly and baselessly disparage and singularly belittle public servants in Thursday press release are unbecoming to his office, says Governor.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers released the following statement Thursday in response to a press release sent by Speaker Robin Vos earlier in the day. 

tony-evers“Elected officials can—and often do—disagree on plenty. But what is beneath the offices we hold and the responsibility entrusted to us is using our platforms to publicly and baselessly disparage and singularly belittle public servants.

“From our clerks and election administrators to members of the Wisconsin National Guard to Wisconsin Elections Commission staff, hundreds rolled up their sleeves last year, and it is because of them Wisconsin held a free, safe, and fair election last November.

“Speaker Vos’ comments are unbecoming of his office and the people we serve. It’s my expectation—and one Wisconsinites share—that elected officials in this state treat others with civility and respect. The speaker’s behavior today fell woefully short of those expectations.”

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