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PMC Revised Maps Reflect the Competitive Nature of Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by AOTL, Brooke Lillard   
Friday, 22 October 2021 11:00

vote-47-mbPeople’s Maps Commission's Process Stands in Stark Contrast to Legislature's

Madison, WI - Wednesday, the People’s Maps Commission released a second set of draft State Assembly, State Senate, and congressional maps based on the public input the Commission received from thousands of Wisconsinites across numerous public hearings.

wisconsin_senateThese maps stand in stark contrast to the current maps, which are egregious partisan Republican gerrymanders rammed through the legislature that have left Wisconsin voters without fair maps and without accurate representation over the past decade. Additionally, the process leading up to the release of the PMC’s maps stands in stark contrast to the process leading up to the Republican-led legislature’s release of maps today.

“The release of a second set of draft maps by the People’s Maps Commission is another critical step in the process to create fair maps that reflect the will of Wisconsin voters,” said Elizabeth Treviño, AOTL Wisconsin State Director. “The Commission’s process leading up to the release of these maps deserves praise. The Commission hosted a fair and transparent process allowing thousands of Wisconsinites from across the state to make their voices heard by submitting written comments, testifying at hearings, and submitting community maps. I am disappointed to see that the Republican-led legislature released a set of maps today without holding any public hearings beforehand. My hope -- and the hope of many other Wisconsinites -- is that the legislature changes course quickly and follows the PMC’s example with a transparent, accessible redistricting process. ”

In 2020, Governor Tony Evers created the People’s Maps Commission, a nonpartisan advisory commission made up of everyday citizens, and tasked the Commission with drawing fair maps that better reflect the competitive nature of Wisconsin. The Commission held public hearings from October 2020 to March 2021 to collect the public’s input on how their communities should be represented in the maps. Following the release of these drafts, the People’s Maps Commission will be collecting additional public input until noon on Oct 27 before presenting a final map to the Wisconsin Legislature in early November.


All On The Line
All On The Line is on a mission to end gerrymandering because it contributes to the polarization and dysfunction in our political system. Since launching in 2019, we’ve built a grassroots volunteer organization ahead of the 2021 redistricting process. This work includes launching Redistricting U, a national, in-person training program designed to give individuals the knowledge, skills, and tools to take action on redistricting, a program that is now offered virtually. All On The Line is the grassroots campaign of the National Redistricting Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee. For more information please visit:

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