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PolitiFact Rates GOP Ads Against Evers “False” PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 16 September 2021 09:38

kenosha-national-guard-apPolitiFact: “No, Wis. Gov. Evers did not wait to send help to Kenosha during unrest”

MADISON, Wis. -- One year after a police officer shot Jacob Blake, GOP dark money group Empower Wisconsin released an ad meant to stir up conflict and sow division. Politifact Wisconsin found the ad’s central claim to be false, reporting that the governor sent in National Guard troops prior to the night Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two men.

The state of Wisconsin fulfilled every local request for support, including having Wisconsin National Guard troops on the ground within hours of Kenosha County’s request - despite ludicrous claims from Republicans.

The GOP’s repeated lies and false ads are a disgusting and unproductive campaign to politicize a tragedy. GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch has been one of the worst offenders - constantly using Kenosha to provoke conflict. But new reporting shows Kleefisch hypocritically changed her tune to fit her radical campaign agenda. Her initial response to the shooting echoed Gov. Evers’ comments: "All I know is what I saw and what I heard, which was far too many shots for a man who had his back turned.

The bottom line is: Republican politicians like Kleefisch are trying to distract and divide Wisconsinites, and slow down the movement for racial justice by spreading lies about the state’s response. The people of Wisconsin deserve better.

Read the fact check here.

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