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Head of WIGOP Election Review Attends MyPillow Conspiracy Convention PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 13 August 2021 09:30

michael-gableman-fcjThe guy Republicans have picked to oversee the WI GOP’s sham election review, Michael Gableman, was taking lessons in unhinged conspiracy theories from the MyPillow guy last weekend.

MADISON, Wis. -- GOP Special Counsel Michael Gableman attended MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s election conspiracy theory convention this past weekend to get some inspiration for his own sham election review. Gableman has already admitted he believed the 2020 election was rigged at a Trump rally last year.

At the MyPillow QAnon bonanza, Gableman was “right in the middle trying to absorb everything” according to Wisconsin state Elections Commissioner Bob Spindell, who was also in attendance. Mike Lindell’s own cybersecurity expert has admitted Lindell’s fringe views and claims about election fraud are bogus.

robinvosSpeaker Robin Vos is paying Gableman $44,000 in taxpayer funds to oversee the WI GOP’s sham election review, which is currently going off the rails. The cops hired by Vos to work for Gableman have resigned, and Rep. Janel Brandtjen, chairwoman of the Assembly elections committee, has gone rogue - calling for a full Arizona-style Cyber Ninja circus beyond Vos’s investigation and issuing subpoenas that are not enforceable under law.

Regardless of how they get it done, there’s no doubt that Republicans will attempt to use every scheme imaginable to sow doubt in our elections and justify their voter suppression bills, which were vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers. A recount, a report from Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security, and multiple rulings by courts in Wisconsin proved that the 2020 Wisconsin election was secure time and again. But Republicans are more focused on their political priorities and aligning themselves with the far right than the needs of Wisconsinites.

“This is an absolute clown show - the person the Wisconsin GOP put in charge of investigating election fraud is taking lessons in unhinged conspiracy theories from the MyPillow guy,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Kayla Anderson. “Robin Vos’ investigation has nothing to do with making our elections more secure, and everything to do with getting attention and riling up the Republican base. Wisconsinites don’t want their taxpayer dollars wasted on the GOP’s political antics - they want the state legislature to get to work on things that actually matter, like access to affordable health care and shoring up funds for public education.”

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