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Poll Shows Wisconsinites Approve of Infrastructure, Pandemic Plans PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 12 August 2021 10:06

biden-signs-oval-202153% of voters support bipartisan Infrastructure Plan, 54% of voters approve of Biden and Evers’ pandemic leadership, according to Marquette poll.

MADISON, Wis. -- According to Marquette University Law School’s latest poll, the majority of Wisconsin voters approve of the job President Biden and Governor Evers are doing, while support for Senator Ron Johnson is sinking. Johnson’s favorability is down from Marquette’s last poll, showing he’s underwater with Wisconsinites.

evers-speaksWisconsinites are clearly satisfied with Gov. Evers’ bipartisan leadership on the pandemic and on the state budget. Despite the Republican legislature’s partisan antics, Gov. Evers’ budget included a middle-class tax cut, an increase in broadband and infrastructure funding, and restored the state’s two-thirds funding commitment to public schools. As a result, Gov. Evers’ overall approval numbers remain steady at 50% approving, and his approvals on handling COVID-19 are up from October 2020 at 54% approving - a testament to his impressive vaccine rollout and quick distribution of federal pandemic funds to small businesses and hardworking families.

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