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Gableman Peddled Election Conspiracy Theories At Trump Rally After 2020 Election PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Tuesday, 10 August 2021 09:46

Michael GablemanObjectivity of former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman to review 2020 election results for Republicans is questioned in newspaper report.

MADISON, Wis. -- According to a report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Republicans’ election review lawyer Michael Gableman admitted he believed the 2020 election was rigged at a Trump rally last year, saying, "Our elected leaders — your elected leaders — have allowed unelected bureaucrats at the Wisconsin Elections Commission to steal our vote.”

assembly-wi-robin-vosSpeaker Robin Vos plans to pay Gableman $44,000 in taxpayer funds to oversee the WI GOP’s sham election review, which is currently going off the rails. The cops hired by Vos to work for Gableman have resigned, and Rep. Janel Brandtjen, chairwoman of the Assembly elections committee, has gone rogue - calling for a full Arizona-style Cyber Ninja circus beyond Vos’s investigation and issuing subpoenas that are not enforceable under law.

Regardless of how they get it done, there’s no doubt that Republicans will attempt to use every scheme imaginable to sow doubt in our elections and justify their voter suppression bills. Wisconsin Republicans recently passed several laws limiting absentee voting, sparking backlash from the disability community, and have introduced at least fourteen bills overall seeking to undermine voting rights. And the GOP’s likely candidate for governor, Rebecca Kleefisch, has made it clear she supports election extremists, expressing her doubts about the election and posting a video with Brandtjen discussing concerns about voter fraud.

A recount, a report from Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security, and multiple rulings by courts in Wisconsin proved that the 2020 Wisconsin election was secure time and again. But Republicans are more focused on their political priorities than the needs of Wisconsinites.

Read more about Gableman’s outrageous lies below.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Michael Gableman said bureaucrats 'stole our votes' before he was put in charge of reviewing 2020 election

The lawyer overseeing a Republican review of the presidential election is portraying himself as a neutral arbiter who hasn’t reached any conclusions, but last year he told a group of Donald Trump’s supporters that the election had been stolen.

"Our elected leaders — your elected leaders — have allowed unelected bureaucrats at the Wisconsin Elections Commission to steal our vote," former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman told the crowd at Serb Hall in Milwaukee in November.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos of Rochester hired Gableman at taxpayer expense this summer to review the election that Trump narrowly lost even though recounts and a slew of court rulings showed Joe Biden had won.

The pairing is not an obvious one. Gableman in November blamed Republican leaders like Vos for setting the stage for what he considers a poorly run election, arguing they should have cracked down on the agency that oversees Wisconsin’s voting systems.

"The people who bear the real responsibility for all of this is the legislative leadership," Gableman said in November. "They created the Wisconsin Elections Commission, they pay for it, they write the checks — well, the people pay for it, but the Legislature writes the check to support all these people (at the commission)."

Gableman made the comment on a podcast hosted by Kevin Nicholson, the former Marine who lost the 2018 Republican primary for U.S. Senate and is planning a bid for Senate or governor next year. Gableman sits on the board of the No Better Friend Corp., the political group Nicholson heads.

Also on the podcast, Gableman said he thought Republican lawmakers were unwilling to take on the Elections Commission because they feared media criticism, according to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel review of comments Gableman' made shortly after the election.

Recently, Gableman has tried to downplay his past comments.

In a recent interview broadcast on WISN-TV, Gableman falsely claimed he hadn’t said the election was stolen.

Gableman did not respond to questions from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. A spokeswoman for Vos also did not answer questions.


Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, said Gableman wasn't credible because he had cheered on the pro-Trump crowd in November.

"He showed up at the circus. He showed up at a clown show. I mean, he's part of the circus," Hintz said. "He's doing damage by his participation in this. There is no credibility."

The status of Gableman's investigation is unclear. Vos hired law enforcement officers to assist Gableman, but they quit. Vos recently said he has given Gableman more authority and will allow him to hire more help.

The developments come as state Rep. Janel Brandtjen, the Menomonee Falls Republican who leads the Assembly Committee, is seeking to seize ballots and voting equipment in Brown and Milwaukee counties. She issued subpoenas for that material on Friday, but they appear to be invalid because they were not signed by Vos and Assembly Chief Clerk Ted Blazel.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 10:09
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