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56th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid Celebrated PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 30 July 2021 14:37

healthcareOver 2.5 million Wisconsinites receive benefits.

MADISON Wis.  — Today, Wisconsinites across the state are celebrating the 56th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, two federal programs that provide critical health care coverage for over two million Wisconsinites. Democrats have been fierce advocates for protecting and strengthening these benefits that support Wisconsin seniors and working families.

Over 1,193,000 Wisconsinites receive Medicare, and another 1,353,000, including children, receive Medicaid.

ron-johnson-talksWhile Democrats have championed these programs, Republicans like Senator Ron Johnson have waged relentless attacks against Medicare and Medicaid — they have worked to cut these critical programs to pay for handouts for giant corporations at the expense of vulnerable populations across the state.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Nellie Sires released the following statement:

“The 56th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid provides a valuable opportunity for us to reflect on the role that our government can play to support the people who need it most. While today is a celebration of these programs, this anniversary in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder that one's own health depends on the health of the person next to them, and the person next to them. Ensuring others can access care is how we take care of ourselves, and the fight to expand Medicare and Medicaid is more vital now than ever.”

“Democrats know that we are all better off when we are all healthy — especially the most vulnerable among us. Democrats will continue to stand up to Sen. Ron Johnson and Republicans in Congress, who seek to take away health care in a global health crisis by attempting to end the Medicare and Medicaid expansion through the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans who seek to strip health care coverage away from millions of people and gut protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsinites who live with pre-existing conditions, are a danger to all Wisconsinites. Every single Wisconsin family deserves access to affordable health care, and we must keep working to protect and strengthen these programs.”

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