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Special Session Was Needed to Do What’s Best for Kids PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 28 July 2021 11:00

teaching-studentsRepublicans gaveled out of the special session on Tuesday without consideration or debate, reject more than $400 million for K-12, more than $100 million for higher education.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers released a statement on Tuesday after Republicans in the Legislature rejected investing more than $500 million in education, including more than $400 million into K-12 and more than $100 million into higher education. The governor yesterday called the Legislature into special session when members of the Wisconsin State Assembly were planning to be at the Wisconsin State Capitol for an extraordinary session to take up a veto override.

tony-evers“It’s breathtaking, frankly, that Republicans had the chance to do the right thing, and do what’s best for our kids and they chose to play politics instead,” said Gov. Evers. “Republicans had time to go to Madison for another political stunt but couldn’t be bothered to even consider investing more money into our kids and our schools—that’s just wrong. Our kids deserve better, and I will continue to fight to do what’s best for them because I know that’s what’s best for our state.”

Republicans in both the Assembly and the Senate gaveled out of the special session without consideration or debate. The Assembly did not gavel out of the special session until two hours after the Assembly had already adjourned the extraordinary session, at which time the Wisconsin State Senate gaveled out of the special session concurrently.

Last Updated on Friday, 30 July 2021 11:12
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