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Save the Bees with the Pollinator Protection Package PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 25 June 2021 10:26

bee-pollinator-Legislators prioritize well-being of pollinators to ensure healthy ecosystems for generations

MADISON - Thursday, Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) and Representative Lee Snodgrass (D-Appleton) introduced the Pollinator Protection Package to promote a healthy and robust pollinator population in Wisconsin. The package prohibits the usage of certain insecticides by state agencies, allows local governments to limit or prohibit the usage of certain insecticides, requires the proper labeling of plants that had received insecticide treatments at greenhouses or plant shops, and designate June 2021 as Pollinator Awareness month.

Senator Agard and Representative Snodgrass released the following statements:

Senator Agard:

melissa-agard-sargent“Protecting our state’s natural pollinators is absolutely crucial, yet too often goes forgotten. We depend on pollinators both agriculturally and economically, to secure our community’s quality of life and health. Wisconsinites must do more to protect the pollinators in our community, bolster environmental health, and develop a positive coexistence between ecosystems and our community.

“The Pollinator Protection Package ensures that our pollinator communities will be healthier and promote a strong population for years to come. By promoting pollinator health we can help Wisconsin achieve a bright, healthy, and buzzing future. I am proud to champion these important bills.”

Representative Snodgrass:

lee-snodgrass“The importance of our pollinators and protecting their habitats is one of the few areas of universal agreement these days. We know that Wisconsin’s pollinator populations are in decline and that this threatens Wisconsin’s wildflowers, ecosystems, agricultural crops and natural areas. That’s why I am proud to introduce this package of bills which will further the state’s efforts to ensure that pollinator habitats are healthy and thriving. In Wisconsin alone, pollinators account for over $55 million in crop production. Without thriving pollinator populations, our agricultural economic system would collapse and human food supplies would be in jeopardy. These bills make sense environmentally, socially and economically.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 June 2021 10:41
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