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Republican Trojan Horse Forces Through Another Partisan Power Grab PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Thursday, 24 June 2021 10:03

wi-fair-mapsState GOP continues gerrymandering to stay in power.

Milwaukee, WI – “Yesterday, Senate Republicans passed a bill that would prolong the use of gerrymandered maps as a gross attempt to keep their stranglehold on power in the legislature. This bill takes us further in the wrong direction by diminishing the role of individual citizens being heard in a democracy.

“This legislation would freeze the county redistricting process until February 22nd of 2022, and the municipal process until April 15th at the earliest or May 15th at the latest adding 85 extra, unnecessary days. This unnecessary delay is all part of the Republicans’ scheme to keep in place the current maps for the spring 2022 elections.

chris_larson“If we are going to do anything about redistricting, it needs to be making sure we have fair maps. Partisan gerrymandering does not just happen in the state legislature, it is forced on our local governments too. I intend to open up this trojan horse for exactly what it is: a blatant partisan power grab. Let’s make our maps fair, not put a thumb on the scale.

“55 different counties, representing 83% of Wisconsin residents, have passed referendums or resolutions in favor of fair maps. The fact that Republicans would ignore the wishes of their own constituents is shameful and unacceptable. Republicans are petrified that they will lose their majority in the legislature if they let the people decide how they wish to be represented.

“Gerrymandering is a degradation of our democracy, and I will do everything in my power to fight for fair maps that reflect the will of the people, not the party in power. Voters should get to choose their politicians, politicians shouldn’t get to choose their voters.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 June 2021 10:11
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