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Wisconsin Democrats Introduce Raise the Wage Legislation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 18 June 2021 10:14

working-poor-hurtsLegislation would raise minimum wage to $15 in one year, then account for inflation yearly.

MADISON, WI - Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) and Representative Lisa Subeck (D-Madison) introduced Raise the Wage legislation as a part of a broader Building Economic Security Together Package. If passed, the bill would raise the minimum wage to $10.15 upon enactment, raise it to $15 one year later, and then the state would adjust based on the Consumer Price Index each year following.

Senator Agard and Representative Subeck issued the following statements regarding the legislation:

Senator Agard:

melissa-agard-sargent“I think anyone would agree that no Wisconsinite working 40 hours a week should be living in poverty. Wisconsin workers and their families deserve comprehensive reform at the state level that puts working people first and gives them their fair share.

“The COVID-19 Pandemic has exhausted essential and low income workers across our state. Most often, these employees are women and people of color or those who are living paycheck to paycheck. As a state with the worst racial disparities, we must step up to do the hard work to tear down barriers that harm our fellow Wisconsinites. It is time we invest in the workers that have kept us healthy, fed, and safe throughout this pandemic and for years prior.

“It’s simple, honest work deserves honest pay and everyone deserves a fair share. I am proud to introduce this legislation and I look forward to continuing to work for Wisconsin workers’ right to a fair and livable wage.”

Representative Lisa Subeck:

lisa-subeck“No one who works hard every day should have to be poor. All working people deserve the dignity that comes from knowing you can put a roof over your head, feed your family, and plan for your future.

“Yet, Wisconsin’s minimum wage has not increased in more than a decade, and full-time minimum wage workers make less than $300 per week. It is time we raise our minimum wage and make the phrase ‘working poor’ the oxymoron that it ought to be.”

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