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Gov. Evers’ Address to the Democratic State Convention PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Friday, 04 June 2021 22:32

evers-speaksGovernor to address this years convention Saturday night again held virtually due to the pandemic. Here are excerpts from his planned remarks.

MADISON, Wis. – Below are excerpts of Gov. Tony Evers’ prepared remarks for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s State Convention Saturday evening. Gov. Evers will join Democrats from across the state to highlight his accomplishments in office and discuss his plan to make sure Wisconsin bounces back stronger than before:

I know we’re going to come out of 2022 with even more victories under our belt. And I’ll tell you why: because, for us, it’s not just about what we’re fighting against; it’s about what we believe in and what we’re fighting for.

We believe that opportunity shouldn’t depend on where you live, who you love, how you identify, where your parents were born, or your background.

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We believe that making high-speed internet affordable and accessible is part of an economy that works for everyone. We believe fixing our roads and bridges is part of an economy that works for everyone. We believe investing in our farmers, rural communities, and our Main Streets is part of an economy that works for everyone. We believe childcare and caregiving are part of an economy that works for everyone. We believe addressing racial disparities and equity are part of an economy that works for everyone.

We believe building this economy depends on investing in good healthcare, good roads, and good schools--all the things that ensure folks want to come here, live here, and work here.

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We know Republicans aren’t going to make this easy. The one predictable thing about this pandemic – and heck, ever since November of 2018 – is that Republicans will do everything in their power to stop our success, to keep us from getting things done, to keep Wisconsin headed in the right direction. They’ve taken me to court, they’ve jeopardized federal relief, they’ve gutted our budgets, they’ve tried to override my vetoes – and failed every time, by the way – and they’re going to continue playing politics with our recovery and doing what’s best for our state.

But that’s why we’re going to spend every day for the next 521 days working to win every inch and elect Democrats up and down the ballot in this state.

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