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Refusal to Increase Public Education Funding Puts Wisconsin Schools at Risk PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 28 May 2021 10:17

school-bus-kidsGOP Needs to Add Another $200 Million for School Funding to Budget or Wisconsin Loses $3.1 Billion in COVID-19 Relief.

MADISON, Wis. -- Today, GOP lawmakers on the Joint Finance Committee refused to increase school funding - and now Wisconsin is at risk of losing more federal relief money. Unless the state legislature adds at least another $200 million to school funding in the budget, it’s likely Wisconsin schools will miss out on $3.1 billion from federal stimulus packages, leaving students and educators with fewer resources than anticipated as they recover from a crisis. Under Gov. Evers’ budget proposal, the state’s education funding would rise by $1.6 billion, which would fully secure the $3.1 billion in federal aid.

Republicans have already rejected $1.6 billion from the American Rescue Plan by refusing to expand BadgerCare this week.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Who rejects $3.1 billion dollars? The same people who rejected $1.6 billion, apparently. This would be laughable, if it weren’t so painful. Republicans continue to make reckless decisions that make our schools and our economy weaker. At every turn, they’re making the wrong choices for Wisconsinites.

“Two years ago, a Republican-led bipartisan panel agreed that restoring Wisconsin’s two-thirds funding commitment was the right thing to do. Now, Republicans are opposing any additional state support for Wisconsin students, and in doing so, are also putting schools’ federal funding at risk. It’s clear the GOP is more than happy to hurt Wisconsinites in order to undercut our state’s finances.

“Wisconsin’s students, teachers, and families just went through a once-in-a-lifetime health crisis. The bare minimum isn’t enough. Now is the time for the legislature to work with Gov. Evers on common sense solutions to address the big problems facing Wisconsin, and that starts with investments in education.

“As a lifelong educator, Gov. Evers knows that what’s best for our kids is what’s best for the state. Republicans should uphold their commitment to fund two-thirds of school costs, and pass Gov. Evers’ budget proposal as is to ensure our schools reap the full benefits of federal funding.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 May 2021 10:24
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