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Republicans Attack Abortion Rights PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 27 May 2021 08:48

women-healthActions of GOP committee members are thinly veiled attempts to restrict abortion access in Wisconsin, says Agard.

MADISON- Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Human Services, Children and Families heard SB 260 and SB 261, two bills aimed at restricting abortion access in Wisconsin. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement regarding the public hearing today:

melissa-agard-sargent“These bills we heard today are thinly veiled attempts to restrict abortion access in Wisconsin. Simply put, Republicans are trying to make it harder for people to have access to abortion services, where Wisconsinites can access necessary care. Senate bill 260 not only harms Wisconsinites seeking necessary medical care, it also threatens the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s medical program and their accreditation. Doctors should be able to provide the best possible care to their patients - no matter what.

“Additionally, by requiring providers to report specific demographics after an abortion, as would be mandated in Senate Bill 261, they are shaming not only providers, but also those who seek this care. Decisions about abortion are not made lightly. We must respect every women’s’ ability to make her own life decisions. These bills do nothing to address expanding quality healthcare to Wisconsinites, instead we saw today extremely immoral, and politically driven actions.

“Reproductive healthcare is healthcare. No government should interfere with complex and emotional medical decisions. All Wisconsinites deserve to have access to comprehensive care that is best for them.”

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