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Republicans Reject Medicaid Expansion Again PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 10:07

andre-jacqueLegislative Republicans in Madison choose political games over their constituents, refuse to even debate the legislation which would bring Wisconsin an additional $1.6 billion in federal dollars.

MADISON - Tuesday, legislative Republicans plan to quickly gavel out Governor Evers’ special session to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin. Despite over 70% support across the state, Republicans refused to even debate the legislation which would bring Wisconsin an additional $1.6 billion in federal dollars and cover an additional 90,000 people.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard-sargent“During my time in the legislature, I’ve witnessed some cynical, calculated actions by my Republican colleagues, but this might be the most extreme. Continuing to reject expanding access to  healthcare for Wisconsinites is cruel, politically motivated, and a devastating blow to our state’s health and economic recovery coming out of the pandemic. It is not an overstatement to say that this will go down as the worst decision by Wisconsin legislators in modern history.

“There is literally no downside to expanding Medicaid. All of the tired, Republican arguments using dog whistle terms like “welfare” are simply a distraction from the only core political motive of the Wisconsin GOP - to try and score political points over Governor Evers at the expense of the families and businesses they represent. Imagine being so politically driven that you would deny someone you represent access to health care just to stick it to your opponent. Frankly, it’s embarrassing and it’s wrong.

“Wisconsin is part of an ever shrinking group of states that have not expanded Medicaid. While Governor Evers is acting as a true leader by making every effort to help the people of our state, Republicans are more than happy to let Wisconsin continue to fall behind as long as they think it will help them politically.”

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