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High Time to Support Cannabis Legalization PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 06 May 2021 09:24

hemp-farmer-wiscGOP set to strip out cannabis legalization from the governor’s proposal Thursday.

MADISON - The Joint Finance Committee is scheduled to meet today to strip many of Governor Tony Evers’ budget provisions from his proposed 2021-23 Wisconsin state budget. Of the nearly 300 measures to be removed, cannabis legalization for responsible adult usage is set to be taken out by Republicans. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released this statement regarding the removal of cannabis legalization from the state budget:

melissa-agard-sargent“To be blunt, this is a bad decision. Legalizing cannabis is widely supported in Wisconsin and across the country. In fact, less than 10% of Americans believe cannabis should still be illegal. Cannabis would generate millions of dollars of revenue for the state. In addition, this will bring an already successful industry to Wisconsin that would benefit multiple sectors.

“It is past time Wisconsin brings itself into the modern era. We are an island of prohibition and our outdated drug laws are contributing to harming communities of color, farmers, and other underserved areas in our state. As the state with the worst racial disparities in the nation, legalizing cannabis is a good way to start righting past wrongs. It is also a way to engage with rural communities who would benefit from this industry.

“This is about finding innovative, modern ways to set our state up for economic success for generations to come. Bottom line - this is about more than legal cannabis - it's about what is good for all of Wisconsin. Remember, the most dangerous thing about cannabis is that it is illegal. I am asking my Republican colleagues to do their jobs and listen to the people of Wisconsin who support this budget provision and understand the positive effects it would have in our state. I am asking them to recognize that the will of the people is the law of the land. It is high time we get this done.”

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