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Agard Applauds AG Kaul, DOJ Investigation into Clergy Sexual Abuse PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 17:22

bishop-david-zubikAG Kaul announced that state DOJ will conduct a sweeping inquiry into clergy and faith leader abuse in Wisconsin.

MADISON- Tuesday, Attorney General Josh Kaul and the Wisconsin Department of Justice will conduct a statewide investigation into clergy and faith leader abuse. The investigation will have an anonymous reporting mechanism for survivors to share their stories.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard“For far too long, secrecy has clouded justice and healing for victims. It is time to put an end to keeping the known abuse of children in the shadows. I am grateful for the survivors who have come forward already and I hope that perpetrators will be held accountable moving forward with this statewide investigation. I will continue to stand with the brave survivors who are continuing to move this issue forward due to their courage.

“I applaud the Wisconsin Department of Justice and Attorney General Josh Kaul for their efforts to provide justice for survivors of clergy and other institutional sexual violence. Survivors across our state deserve the opportunity to seek justice if they choose, as well as have avenues to report their abuse privately and on their own terms. It’s vital this is a priority for everyone in our state.”

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