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Budget Includes UW Oshkosh Clow Phase II Renovation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Tuesday, 02 March 2021 11:43

uw-oshkosh-students-maskedNursing Education Building complex at UW Oshkosh in Ever's 2021-23 Capital Budget proposal. Recognizes the important, technological advancements needed in teacher training.

MADISON – Last week, Governor Evers announced his 2021-23 Capital Budget proposal, which included a recommendation of $26,974,000 for the completion of the second phase of the Nursing/Education Building (Clow Hall Phase II) at UW Oshkosh. Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon-hintz“I am thrilled that Gov. Evers has prioritized funding for the Clow Hall/Nursing Education Building complex at UW Oshkosh in his 2021-23 Capital Budget proposal. I have worked hard for many years to renovate Clow Hall, starting with getting the project approved in 2011 and approving funding for Phase I in 2013, which was completed in 2016. The need for the Phase II renovation has only grown as approval has been delayed. I applaud Gov. Evers for recognizing the importance of this UW System priority and finishing this renovation by funding Clow Phase II in his 2021-23 Capital Budget.

“Future educators cannot develop the appropriate skill set that is needed to teach our next generation if they do not have the hands-on experience needed to teach in a modern learning environment. The investments made in Clow Phase II not only honors our state and UW Oshkosh’s strong commitment to education, but also recognizes the important, technological advancements needed in teacher training.

“Over the past year, we have been reminded over and over how important nurses are to help Wisconsinites stay healthy and to help us recover from illness. As we consider how to invest state resources in the next biennium and beyond, there is no doubt that ensuring our future nurses can be trained in a 21st century facility must be a priority. I will do everything I can in the coming weeks to fight for this funding to be approved.”

The State Building Commission will meet on March 17th to vote on the governor’s recommendations, and will then move on to the Committee on Joint Finance.

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