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Brighter Days with the Badger Bounceback Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press   
Wednesday, 17 February 2021 10:53

coronavirus-small-businessGov. Evers Offers Economic Solutions to ensure our state, communities, and families can bounce back and better than before the pandemic hit, say Democratic members of Joint Finance Committee.

MADISON – Following a tumultuous year for Wisconsin communities, small businesses, schools and families Governor Tony Evers has unveiled the 2021-2023 Biennial State Budget. The Badger Bounceback will ensure our state, communities, and families can bounce back and better than before the pandemic hit. Democratic members of the Joint Finance Committee released the following statements praising the proposal.

“If we’ve learned anything from the last year it’s the importance of access to affordable and quality healthcare,” said Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point). “Once again, Gov. Evers is prioritizing healthcare for Wisconsinites by introducing a budget that makes critical investments in health services while also expanding BadgerCare. This proposal supports rural hospitals and clinics, increases financial stability for families and is the smartest economic decision for our state.”

latonya-johnson“As our state continues to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, I do not underestimate the challenges that our communities will continue to face,” said Sen. LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee). “However, I am filled with hope knowing that Governor Tony Evers' 2021-2023 proposed budget invests in our state's children and families. I am particularly happy to see that the budget continues and builds upon a program that addresses the quality, affordability, and access to child care with a $140 million investment. All of our children, regardless of their zip code, deserve the opportunity to thrive, and this budget 'connects the dots' by ensuring families have access to high-quality childcare so more people can remain in the workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the critical importance of our public schools and the impact they have on our communities. An investment into our kids is an investment into our future. That is why I am encouraged to see that the governor's proposed budget includes a substantial investment to fully fund our public schools and make them whole.”

evangoyke“Governor Evers’ budget creates a clear path forward as we begin a new decade and recover from the pandemic,” said Rep. Goyke (D-Milwaukee). “Most importantly, this budget makes investments to create opportunities for resiliency and growth. Substantial thought and planning went into the provisions that will improve our criminal justice and juvenile justice systems and offer us an opportunity to create a more equitable system, save money, and increase public safety.”

“This is a winning budget for Wisconsin’s working families,” said Rep. Greta Neubauer (D-Racine). “With the Governor’s budget, we can invest in our shared future, our local economy, and an equitable recovery from COVID-19, while tackling climate change and building sustainable, resilient communities. Governor Evers’ plan to update our aging infrastructure, develop green jobs, support entrepreneurship, and invest in climate change mitigation is a great first step in creating good-paying, family-supporting jobs for every Wisconsin worker.”

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