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Gov. Evers to Veto GOP Bill Limiting Response to Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 05 February 2021 14:46

assembly-wi-robin-vosLegislature abandons bipartisan compromise, sends first bill to governor’s desk in more than 290 days

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today reacted to the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 1, which was passed after Republicans abandoned compromise legislation that passed the Wisconsin State Senate with bipartisan support. A previous bipartisan version of AB 1 had received the governor’s support, signaling he would sign that version if Republicans sent it to his desk.

AB 1 will be the first bill the Legislature sends to the governor’s desk in more than 290 days. The governor also announced he intends to veto the legislation that will, in part, impose limits on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

tony-evers-talks“Wisconsinites know a compromise when they see one, and this isn’t it,” said Gov. Evers. “We had a bill that Republicans and Democrats supported—and one that I said I would sign if it was sent to my desk—that passed the Senate on a bipartisan vote. Unfortunately, Republicans once again chose to put politics before people, abandoned that compromise, and passed a bill they knew I wouldn’t sign. I am calling on Republicans in the Legislature to stop playing politics and get to work sending me the compromise bill we worked on together.”

Immediately following the vote on AB 1 in the Senate, the governor called for AB 1 to be presented to him without delay.  

“It’s taken far too long for the Legislature to take further action on this pandemic. Wisconsinites don’t care about political points or who gets the credit. They just want to know that their family, their business, and their neighbors are going to be okay as we continue to fight this virus. Enough politics—just get it done.”

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