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Shelton Opposes GOP Resolution to End Statewide Mask Mandate PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Savion Castro   
Thursday, 28 January 2021 15:29

coronavirus-nurse-tiredRepublicans are engaging reckless, unconscionable, life threatening behavior that will undermine the work of our heroic first responders, nurses, doctors, educators, and more to keep the people of Wisconsin safe.

Madison, WI – In the face of over 5,500 dead in Wisconsin, and over 400,000 dead across the United States of America, Wisconsin Republicans are poised to pass SJR/AJR 4, repealing Wisconsin’s statewide mask mandate and ending the emergency health order due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Repealing the emergency health order will have wide and disastrous consequences throughout the state. It will end Wisconsin’s eligibility for emergency food benefits linked to COVID-19 resulting in a loss of $50 million in food assistance every month.

Over 35 key stakeholders have registered against this reckless resolution. From first responders, nurses and doctors, to educators and businesses alike, Wisconsin communities understand that wearing a mask is common sense and necessary to protect our neighbors and to uphold our shared Wisconsin values. Representative Kristina Shelton issued the following statement:

kristina-shelton“Today is a dark day in our state. It is an understatement to say my Republicans colleagues are engaging reckless, unconscionable, life threatening behavior. Repealing the mask mandate will directly undermine the work of our heroic first responders, nurses, doctors, educators, and more to keep the people of Wisconsin safe. The people of Wisconsin have pulled together over the last 11 months. Through loss, hardship and mental strain, we have taken care of each other. It is time Republicans do the same,” Representative Shelton said. “The science is clear: wearing a mask saves lives. Repealing the mask mandate will endanger countless others and take food out of children’s mouths. I urge my Republican colleagues to grow a conscience. Fast.”

In light of Republican disregard for science and Wisconsin lives, Assembly Democrats have affirmed their bipartisan commitment to doing everything possible to provide Wisconsin communities with direct and immediate relief.

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