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Assembly Vote on Statewide Mask Order PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Thursday, 28 January 2021 15:13

covid-19-teacher-back-to-schoolPresident Trump failed our country through his mismanagement of the federal government’s response to COVID-19, and Wisconsin Republicans are failing our state.

MADISON – Today, the Wisconsin State Assembly will be taking up a resolution to repeal Governor Evers’ statewide mask order, which has been helping to keep Wisconsinites as safe as possible from COVID-19 and providing certainty to private businesses and public health departments all across the state. Wisconsin would become one of only ten states in the country without such a mask order during a critical time in the COVID-19 fight. Ahead of the Assembly floor session, Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon_hintz“We know that masks are effective, and that statewide mask orders make a difference in reducing transmission of COVID-19. That’s not up for debate.  This resolution will result in fewer people wearing masks than they are now. Fewer people wearing masks means more infections, more hospitalizations, and more people dying of COVID-19. This will be the first action passed by the legislature this session, and the first action on COVID-19 in 288 days. After campaign pledges on fighting COVID-19 and endless criticism of Governor Evers, the very first action passed by Republicans in both houses harms the public and undermines Wisconsin’s recovery. Just as President Trump failed our country through his mismanagement of the federal government’s response to COVID-19, Wisconsin Republicans are failing our state.

“Legislators are elected with the responsibility to look out for public safety and address challenges that threaten that safety. This resolution is making clear that Republicans are opposed to masks, period. There are no defensible excuses. And in their opposition, they are choosing their political party identity, choosing politics, or choosing ideology over the health and lives of Wisconsinites. Repealing this mask order will make it harder, and take longer, to get back to our Wisconsin way of life.

“Addressing public safety during a pandemic should not be political.  Republicans in other states across the country recognize this in supporting mask mandates that help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in their state.  Every major health and medical organization in the state* opposes this resolution.  Many of these are the people who treat COVID-19 patients and who have witnessed firsthand the unimaginable levels of sickness and death during the pandemic. It is really hard, knowing this, to understand the level of selfishness, ignorance, and defiance it takes to support this resolution. I strongly urge my Republican colleagues to do the right thing and vote against this shortsighted repeal.”


*Below is a list of groups and organizations opposing repealing the statewide mask requirement:

·         American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) - WI Section

·         American Heart Association

·         American Lung Association

·         Association of Wisconsin School Administrators

·         Business Education Fund

·         Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

·         Disability Service Provider Network

·         Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce

·         Kids Forward

·         LeadingAge Wisconsin

·         Medical College of Wisconsin

·         Oneida Nation

·         Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin

·         Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative

·         SEIU Wisconsin State Council

·         Specialized Medical Vehicle Association of Wisconsin

·         Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians

·         Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology

·         Wisconsin Assisted Living Association

·         Wisconsin Association for Justice

·         Wisconsin Association of Family and Children’s Agencies

·         Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards

·         Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials

·         Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators

·         Wisconsin Association of School Personnel Administrators

·         Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians

·         Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services

·         Wisconsin Council of Churches

·         Wisconsin Dental Association

·         Wisconsin Education Association Council

·         Wisconsin EMS Association

·         Wisconsin Health Care Association Inc.

·         Wisconsin Hospital Association

·         Wisconsin Medical Society

·         Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association (WPHCA)

·         Wisconsin Psychiatric Association

·         Wisconsin Public Health Association

·         Wisconsin Retired Educators Association

·         Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists

·         Milwaukee Public Schools

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