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Republican Bills Hinder Wisconsin’s Efforts to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 22 January 2021 10:31

covid-19-restaurant-emptyCommittee on Human Services, Children and Families executive session continues to show Republicans unwilling to do the real work for Wisconsinites

MADISON- Today, the Senate Committee on Human Services, Children and Families met to take up several COVID-19 bills that were removed from Assembly Bill 1 when it was taken up in the Senate.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released this statement regarding the executive session today:

melissa-sargent“Yet again, we have missed an opportunity to address the real issues that are affecting Wisconsin families. The bills taken up today in the Committee on Human Services, Children and Families were items that were removed from Assembly Bill 1 when passed by the Senate over a week ago. Rather than move on and discuss new ideas for legislation, Republicans want to rehash policies they know will not provide any necessary relief for folks all across Wisconsin.

“Let’s be very clear about what the bills we are taking up today will do - they will increase the spread of COVID-19, slow down vaccination efforts, and limit local control regarding this public health crisis. These bills continue to demonize public health officials for doing their job of keeping us safe and healthy through science based decision-making. How are any of these bills today helping to keep our friends and neighbors healthy and safe? How is this helping us restart our economy?

robin-vos-is-safe-to-vote“It is frustrating my colleagues across the aisle are still unwilling to take up legislation that will provide direct relief to people who are struggling. Every Wisconsinite should be asking themselves, ‘Where have these Republicans been during this crisis’? It didn’t have to be this way. It is beyond disappointing that rather than providing a clear vision for Wisconsin’s COVID-19 response, Republicans are once again muddying the waters and playing politics with a once in a century pandemic.

“If we want our economy to recover, if we want people to be healthy, if we want to return to normal, we need to work together as a state and with our federal partners to get back on track. I am confident that under President Biden’s leadership in partnership with the Evers Administration and public health experts and scientists, we can make this right despite these continual Republican games.

“Wisconsinites deserve much better than the bills before this committee today.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 January 2021 10:44
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