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Republicans Fall Short in their COVID-19 Bill Package PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 06 January 2021 16:12

coronavirus-nurse-tiredGov. Evers and Legislative Democrats continue to push for meaningful, bipartisan measures to help Wisconsinites and strengthen recovery efforts.

MADISON - On Tuesday, Legislative Republicans on the Assembly Committee on Health held a public hearing and executive session on the GOP COVID-19 Response legislation, Assembly Bill 1.

This hearing comes one day after the introduction of two separate COVID-19 relief bills - Assembly Bill 1, championed by Republicans and LRB 0993/1, championed by Legislative Democrats.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released this statement regarding the competing legislation:

melissa-sargent“Legislative Republicans have had nearly 300 days to pass lifesaving COVID-19 relief for the state of Wisconsin. Democrats have stood ready to get to work, while our colleagues across the aisle took a vacation after passing Act 185. After eight months of silence from Republicans, they finally decide to introduce a plan that ignores science and does not address the issues that families across the state are facing every day.

“Legislative Democrats have been continuing to serve their constituents and come up with legislation to address many of the challenges that our friends, families, and neighbors are facing throughout this pandemic. However, the plan that we released most likely will not be considered for a committee hearing. Democrats have a plan that is rooted in science and addresses issues that are plaguing our communities. It is truly unfortunate that Republicans are continuing to play partisan games with peoples’ lives - it did not have to be this way.

“The Republicans inability to wear masks in the Capitol, on the first day of session, as they mourn the nearly 5,000 Wisconsinites who have lost their lives to COVID-19 continues to highlight that responding to COVID-19 is not their top priority.”

Last Updated on Friday, 08 January 2021 16:25
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