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Democrats Introduce COVID-19 Response Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Tuesday, 05 January 2021 10:04

assembly-wiBill will provide public health support, economic relief for Wisconsin families and businesses.

MADISON – Monday, Assembly Democrats along with members of the State Senate rolled out comprehensive legislation to continue combating the COVID-19 pandemic and support recovery efforts in Wisconsin. Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon-hintz“The COVID-19 pandemic is the most important issue facing Wisconsin, and there is no time to waste in providing solutions for the people of Wisconsin. We’ve seen how this pandemic has devastated so many families and businesses across Wisconsin. Our proposal aims to ensure Wisconsin’s public health response efforts can continue and provide a bridge for Wisconsinites until there is widespread vaccination in our state.”

“The public is looking to its legislators for leadership during this time. Today’s in-person Assembly floor session is purely ceremonial and unnecessarily risky, and I’m proud that every Assembly Democrat has already been sworn into office safely and virtually, so we do not put our communities at risk. Assembly Democrats are ready to get to work on Day One of the new session, just like we have been for more than eight months, to ensure Wisconsinites have the support and resources they need during this pandemic.”

The legislation introduced today includes:

·         Funding to continue Wisconsin’s crucial public health response efforts for the first quarter of 2021;

·         Health Care Heroes Act, which provides needed support for frontline healthcare workers;

·         Additional funding for rental assistance, food security, and child care programs;

·         Changes to certain MA payment calculations; and

·         Flexibility for school district pupil enrollment calculation.

Rep. Hintz represents the 54th Assembly District which encompasses the City of Oshkosh.

Last Updated on Friday, 08 January 2021 10:14
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