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Green Bay Establishes Covid-19 Business Relief Grant Program PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Friday, 18 December 2020 15:01

covid-19-workers-meatpackingCovid-19 Business Relief Grant Program (CV-BRG) provides funding to businesses in the City of Green Bay to help stabilize or prevent shutdowns.

GREEN BAY, WI - The Mayor's office on Wednesday announced a new program to aid local businesses adversely impacted by the slow economy of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The purpose of the Covid-19 Business Relief Grant Program (CV-BRG) is to provide funding to businesses in the City of Green Bay to help stabilize or prevent shutdowns due to the economic hardship of the Covid-19 pandemic.

How much?

Grants provided will be up to $5,000 per 10 full-time equivalent employees, with a maximum of $25,000 per business.

Eligible Businesses

  • Must be a for-profit business located in the City of Green Bay
  • Show either a financial hardship or proof of business going out of business due to the economic impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Complete and sign a Duplication of Benefits worksheet. Federal requirements prohibit the use of CV-BRG funds if another source of funding is available for the same expense.
  • The use of the CV-BRG must be determined to be “necessary and appropriate” as defined by HUD guidelines.
  • Meet a federal national objective of either low-to-moderate income benefit or urgent need.
  • The grant funds must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus, as required by the CARES Act.
  • Grantee report provided to the Redevelopment Authority (RDA) within 60 days of final draw down.

Eligible Applicants

  • Applications must be submitted by the sole proprietor or Chief Executive Officer of any for-profit business located in the City of Green Bay.
  • Applications shall not be disqualified based on age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, development disability, as defined in Section 51.01(5), sexual orientation or national origin.

Eligible Activities

Program grants shall be available to eligible applicants for the following activities:

  • The acquisition and installation of fixed equipment
  • Working Capitals – inventory, everyday operating expenses and payroll after January 27, 2020.

Ineligible Activities

Program grants shall not be available for the following activities:

  • Refinancing or consolidating of existing debt
  • Reimbursement for expenditures prior to January 27, 2020.
  • Specialized equipment that is not essential to the business operation.
  • Routine maintenance
  • Professional services such as feasibility or marketing studies, accounting, management services and other similar services.

Ineligible Businesses

Program grants shall not be available for the following businesses:

  • Speculative investment companies
  • Real estate investment companies
  • Lending institutions
  • Gambling operations
  • Non-public recreation facilities
  • Or businesses not serving the interests of the Community.

Application format

  1. Complete the CV-BRG application form.
  2. Provide documentation of need for CV-BRG funding for the project.
  3. Provide financial information as outlined in the application.

The completed application and all required attachments can be emailed to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or submitted to:
Wendy Townsend
Green Bay City Hall
100 N Jefferson Street, Room 608
Green Bay, WI 54301

*Acceptance of applications shall be subject to the availability of CV-BRG dollars.

The project must meet federal underwriting guidelines.

  • All project costs must be reasonable
  • All sources of funding are committed
  • The CV-BRG is not a substitute for other financing (must be gap financing)
  • The project is financially feasible
  • The return on investment is reasonable.
  • The project is subject to any other applicable state and federal guidelines.

Related Documents


Additional Resources:

Businesses are also encouraged to review programs offered by, Wisconsin Economic Development Corp, the Small Business Administration, and other private and nonprofit sources. Program summaries and links to several programs can be found by clicking here.

Questions? Contact Us

  1. Wendy Townsend

    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Phone: 920-448-3086
Last Updated on Saturday, 19 December 2020 15:18
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