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Trump Campaign Drops Defamation Lawsuit in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Friday, 13 November 2020 20:49

trump-pusa-adCampaign had sued for defamation because TV station ran ad about Trump’s failed coronavirus response. Another baseless legal action successfully rebuffed says PUSA.

Washington, DC – The Trump campaign has requested to dismiss their case against a local TV station in Wisconsin. The campaign sued for defamation because the TV station ran a Priorities USA Action ad that used Trump's own words to tell the truth about Donald Trump’s failed coronavirus response. Priorities USA intervened in the case and the ad can be found here. Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement:

“Like all of his other misguided legal actions, Donald Trump only knows how to lie, cheat, and sue his way out of accountability for his actions,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “Priorities stood strong against the Trump campaign’s onslaught of baseless legal actions and we have successfully rebuffed Donald Trump’s effort to censor the truth about his failed leadership. I have confidence that the courts will continue to reject Donald Trump’s other foolish litigation pursuits in the weeks to come.”

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