Democratic Radio "Celebrate Labor Day" Print
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 01 September 2016 15:21

unionworkersMADISON – Senator Janis Ringhand offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio address today to celebrate Labor Day.

janis-ringhand"The labor movement was vital to building a strong American economy and a solid middle class. The ability to organize, receive fair treatment, and work in safe conditions are fundamental values that built our state and our country. Democrats in the state legislature continue to fight for these values and are thankful for the positive impact unions have had on our state." - Sen. Janis Ringhand

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below: 

"Hi, this is State Senator Janis Ringhand. As we look forward to Labor Day, this Monday, September 5th, we should take a moment to reflect on Wisconsin’s extensive labor history and the generations of workers who have made substantial contributions to creating a strong middle class across our state.

"Wisconsin was at the forefront of early union organizing. As early as 1865, Local 125 was formed in Milwaukee as part of the Molders Union, the nation’s first modern trade union. Then, in 1893, the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor was formed. Its goals included eliminating child labor, improved workplace safety, the eight-hour day, workers compensation, and other pro worker initiatives.

"Wisconsin's workforce continued to seek safe working conditions and fair treatment for all laborers under Robert La Follette's progressive movement. In 1911, the Wisconsin State Legislature passed the first workman's compensation law. Then in 1932, our first unemployment compensation laws were enacted. Wisconsin continued to support labor with the Wisconsin Employment Relations Act of 1937, which gave workers the legal right to organize.

"The labor movement was vital to building a strong American economy and a solid middle class. The ability to organize, receive fair treatment, and work in safe conditions are fundamental values that built our state and our country. Democrats in the state legislature continue to fight for these values and are thankful for the positive impact unions have had on our state."

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 September 2016 15:35