Democratic Radio "Celebrating June Dairy Month" Print
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 09 June 2016 16:19

dairyfarmMADISON – Senator Janis Ringhand offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio address today celebrating June Dairy Month.

janis-ringhand"Dairy businesses in Wisconsin directly support 78,900 jobs and the average Wisconsin dairy cow generates more than $34,000 per year in economic activity. June Dairy Month started out in 1937 as National Milk Month and was used to promote drinking milk and now it has grown into a month long promotion of the entire dairy industry." - Sen. Janis Ringhand 

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below: 

“Hi, this is State Senator Janis Ringhand. Summer is almost here and it's time to celebrate June Dairy Month! Wisconsin is truly America's Dairyland. No state produces more cheese than Wisconsin and if Wisconsin were a country, it would rank 4th in the world in cheese production.

"As a world leader in the dairy industry, dairy farming is a very important industry in the state's economy. Dairy farming has a $43.4 billion impact on Wisconsin's economy and accounts for just about half of all Wisconsin's agricultural economic impact.

"Dairy businesses in Wisconsin directly support 78,900 jobs and the average Wisconsin dairy cow generates more than $34,000 per year in economic activity. June Dairy Month started out in 1937 as National Milk Month and was used to promote drinking milk and now it has grown into a month long promotion of the entire dairy industry. 

"One of the most popular events during June are dairy breakfasts held on farms throughout the state. These events are a great way to see firsthand how a modern dairy farm operates and to enjoy a tasty breakfast featuring popular products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.

"Please visit to discover excellent dairy breakfasts and other June Dairy Month events near you. Have a great summer and don't forget to get out and enjoy dairy month."

Last Updated on Friday, 10 June 2016 12:36